COVID-19 Safety Precautions
During these unprecedented times, WDCPRD has been forced to come up with ways to help limit the spread of the coronavirus.
In our upcoming Youth Sport Camps, WDCPRD will implement the following steps to ensure a safe environment that is still conducive to learning:
- Campers will be temperature checked and use hand sanitizer upon arrival to camp each day. Any campers with a temperature above 100.3 will not be able to participate that day and will be sent home.
- Campers will use hand sanitizer before leaving for the day.
- Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the camp.
- Campers will be split into co-hort groups of no more than 12 people with up to 2 counselors per co-hort.
- Campers will remain in these co-hort groups for the duration of the camp.
- Counselors will wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible.
- Campers will not be required to wear masks but will be asked to be prepared to do so if necessary.
- Drills will be structured to limit equipment-sharing. WDCPRD will sanitize all its equipment at the conclusion of camp each day.
- Campers will rotate within their co-hort groups from station to station with their own equipment.
- Campers must bring their own water bottles. Water will not be provided.